Part of Castolin Eutectic - Pioneering Industrial Sustainability

EnerCote HX

EnerCote HX [up to 65 °C (149 °F) wet service]

EnerCote HX is a fluid ceramic polymer coating. The polymer composite matrix is designed to achieve wear and chemical resistance for continuous immersion service up to 150°F (65°C). The coating chemistry provides outstanding corrosion and chemical resistance, allowing it to be used in a wide variety of environments, including caustic and acid service.

This 100% solid, zero VOC, solvent-free coating technology offers fast return to service and excellent edge retention properties. EnerCote HX is designed for application versatility; it can be applied by brush, by 2:1 cartridge spray system, or through a 2:1 ratio heated plural component spray system for maximum versatility.

MeCaCorr 710 Pump



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